Name for Vinyl Canvas

Will you give $8.00 in honor of his 800 day wait?
For every $8.00, I will put a name on a graphic shaped of Africa that will be cut out of green, red, and yellow (Ethiopian colors) vinyl and be put on a canvas for the Richard's to hang on their wall. This vinyl canvas piece will be a great reminder that they will have forever of all those who supported and prayed for the Richards Family! And what an awesome thing for their son, "T", to see when he comes home... Here's an example of what it would look like, with only the Richards' name. Let's fill this up with hundreds of supporters!
Choose a name (first or last) to add to the Ethiopian colored vinyl made into the shape of Africa on canvas. Please donate $8/name or choose any donation amount you're interested in giving.
When checking out, there will be an option to add "notes or instructions". Please add what name/s you're wanting to put on the canvas. If you have any problems or questions, you can also email [email protected] with the subject: "Africa Vinyl Canvas" and tell me what name/s you're wanting to put on the canvas.